Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

In this episode we begin a series on the 12 Marks of the Man of God. In 1 Timothy 4:6-16 Paul gives 12 marks of a man of God. We cover the first four marks in this first part of this series.

  1. A watchman (4:6a)
  2. A good servant (4:6b)
  3. A student of Scripture (4:6c)
  4. Avoids false doctrine (4:7a)
  5. Disciplines himself for godliness (4:7b-9)
  6. A hard worker (4:10)
  7. Teaches with authority (4:11)
  8. An example of spiritual maturity (4:12)
  9. A biblical ministry (4:13)
  10. Doesn’t neglect his calling (4:14)
  11. Consumed with his calling (4:15a)
  12. Progressing in spiritual growth (4:15b)

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