Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Commentary Review: The Bible Exposition New Testament Commentary by Warren Wiersbe

Warren Wiersbe is one of the most popular Christian writers and Bible commentators. His “BE” series of short Bible commentaries on each book of the Bible has been very successful. Preachers and laymen have found this series to be of great value. David C. Cook Publishers (which purchased Victor Books who originally published the BE […]

A Journey with the Pilgrim’s Progress: Pliable

Obstinate and Pliable followed Christian as he fled the City of Destruction. Obstinate considered Christian a fool for believing in what his Book said. Rather than keep going towards the Wicket-Gate, Obstinate turned around and went home. Pliable, on the other hand, decided to stick with Christian and hear more about his pilgrimage. Pliable was […]

A Journey with the Pilgrim’s Progress: Obstinate

We left off our story with Evangelist telling Christian to run towards the light and the Wicket-Gate. Christian began to run towards the Wicket-Gate once he heard the instructions. As Christian began to run from the City of Destruction his family cried for him to return. Christian put his fingers in his ears and ran […]

Seven Deadly Sins of Ministry: Sloth

Episode 33: Seven: The Seven Deadly Sins of Ministry- Sloth 1. The Sluggard Loves Sleep: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:10–11). 2. The Sluggard Makes Excuses: “The sluggard says, ‘There […]

A Journey With the Pilgrim’s Progress: Evangelist

Christian was in a certain field reading his Book. As he read from the Book, he felt distressed and cried out, “What shall I do to be saved?” Christian felt like running, but he couldn’t decide which way to run. It was at this moment that a man named Evangelist walked towards him, asked, “Wherefore […]