Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 9-11

Jehu is an interesting figure in the Bible. He ruled as Israel’s king for 28 years. He is most known for how he became king. When Elijah was in the cave fretting over Jezebel’s letter, the Lord told him that Jehu son of Nimshi would be anointed king of Israel and that he would be […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 6-8

The sons of the prophets were staying with Elisha, learning and desiring the instruction of the man of God. The school of the prophets was growing. One of the young prophets went to Elisha and said, “See the place where we dwell under your charge is too small for us. Let us go to the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 4-5

Elisha had come back to Gilgal and it was here that he was teaching the sons of the prophets. Gilgal was east of Jericho close to the Jordan River. Gilgal was a memorable place in the history of Israel. It was here Israel crossed the Jordan River on dry ground and set up the 12 […]

What Remains

There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 1-3

The Lord chose Elisha to be Elijah’s predecessor (1 Kings 20:16, 20-21). Elisha, as an act of servitude, poured water on the hands of Elijah (2 Kings 3:11). Elisha wanted to be just like Elijah. In fact, as the day of Elijah’s departure grew closer, Elisha was right next to him. Also following Elijah on […]

Lonely Prophets, Dirty Birds, and Hopeless Widows

First Kings chapters 11-16 are some of the bleakest chapters in all of Scripture. Solomon, the world’s wisest man, becomes the world’s greatest fool. Rehoboam splits the kingdom of Israel through sheer youthful stubbornness. Jeroboam becomes king over ten tribes of Israel and yokes the people of Israel to bull worship. Israel’s next kings weren’t […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 21-22

Ahab, apparently, had built for himself a second home in Jezreel (1 Kings 18:45-46). Jezreel is located north of Israel’s capital in Samaria. This geographical location is very fertile and plush. It’s made up with vineyards, which produce grapes for wine production, and the rocky areas serve as winepresses. Vineyards were very precious to Israel […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 17-20

First Kings chapters 11-16 are some of the darkest times in Israel’s history. Then suddenly from the darkness there comes a blazing light. Elijah appears on the stage of Israel’s history like a crash of thunder, and disappears in a whirlwind. The writer of Kings doesn’t give Elijah much of an introduction. Readers are left […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 14-16

Israel split into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom, known as Israel, consisted of ten of the twelve tribes. The southern kingdom, known as Judah, consisted of Judah and what was left of Benjamin. Israel’s capital became Samaria, and Judah’s capital became Jerusalem. This will be important information moving forward in our reading of the Old […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 12-13

Solomon turned his heart away from the Lord and towards a myriad of strange women and their gods (1 Kings 11:1-6). The Lord promised, due to Solomon’s backsliding, that He would rend the kingdom of Israel from Solomon’s successor. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, made some unwise decisions concerning the treatment of […]