Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 1-3

Our daily Bible reading now takes us to the Chronicles. Readers might be led to believe that Chronicles is just a retelling of Samuel and Kings. Though there are some similarities, there remains quite a bit of difference. Especially when it comes to the chronicler’s intent for writing the books. Even the inclusion of detailed […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 22-25

Josiah was eight years old when he became Judah’s king (2 Kings 22:1). His reign as Judah’s king was prophesied some 350 years prior. The man of God who prophesied against Jeroboam’s altar, precisely named the king who would burn the bones of evil men upon that wretched altar (1 Kings 13:2). That’s exactly what […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 20-21

Hezekiah was a man of prayer. His obedience to God’s Law and his trust in God’s ways fueled his prayers. When the Assyrians threatened Judah, and defied the Lord God, Hezekiah went to the house of the Lord and prayed (2 Kings 19:1). After the Assyrians sent a written threat to the king, he went […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 18-19

After the death of Ahaz, Hezekiah began to reign in Judah, and it was like sunlight breaking through the clouds after a storm. Hezekiah was only twenty five years old when he came to power. Despite his youth, he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord (2 Kings 18:3). Revival broke […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 15-17

Some have said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. When it comes to the church and the world, however, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. That’s what Ahaz attempted to do while king of Judah, and it didn’t end well. Ahaz’s father, Jotham, was a good king. Ahaz’s son, Hezekiah, was an […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Kings 12-14

After king Ahaziah’s death, his mother, Athaliah, began killing all of the royal seed (2 Kings 11:1). Athaliah crowned herself queen, and seized the throne in Judah and reigned for six years. Ahaziah’s sister, Jehosheba, took his last remaining son, Joash, and hid him in the house of the Lord for six years (2 Kings […]

The Young Christian’s Progress

On Monday mornings this year at Apostolic Christian School I’ve taught through John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s allegory for the Christian life has served as a guide for many generations. I highly recommend everyone to read Bunyan’s most popular book. I thought it appropriate to use his allegory as a lesson for young people, […]