Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Ezra 7-10

Eighty years after Zerubbabel had led the first remnant of Jews to Jerusalem, Ezra led an additional 1,500 Jewish men and their families to Jerusalem. Ezra was the son of a priest born in Babylon. Not only was Ezra a priest, but he was also a scribe. A scribe, such as Ezra, studied and taught […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Ezra 4-6

Zerubbabel led the initial Jewish remnant from Babylon to Jerusalem. He was a descendent of David, being that he was the great-grandson of Jehoiakin (Jeconiah). In Ezra, Zerubbabel is also called by his Chaldean name “Sheshbazzar” (Ezra 1:8,11; 5:14-16), and the Persian title for governor “Tirshatha” (Ezra 2:63). His Hebrew name, Zerubbabel, means “descended from […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Ezra 1-3

After seventy years of captivity in Babylon, a remnant of Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem. Covering one hunderd years of history, the book is divided into two parts. The first part of the book chronicles twenty years of a remnant of Jews returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple under the leadership of […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Chronicles 35-36

Our reading through First Kings to Second Chronicles has been a roller coaster of emotions. We’ve read of the beauty of Solomon’s Temple being built. Followed by Solomon’s fall, and the division of the kingdom. There have been godly kings, and evil kings. Battles have been won and lost. Israel was taken captive by the […]

The Covenant of Salt

Salt is produced from the combination of two of the most deadly chemicals known to man – sodium, an unstable metal, and chlorine, one of the deadliest gases. When these two deadly chemicals are combined they produce sodium chloride, also known as common table salt. Salt is the only known rock that humans consume. Additionally […]