Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Isaiah 9-12

Part of Isaiah’s prophetic message to Judah included the hope of light in a time of darkness (Isa. 9:1-2). Another portion of the hopeful prophecy was the anticipation of a child who would be God manifest in the flesh: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Isaiah 5-8

Uzziah had a promising beginning as Judah’s king. He would become Judah’s longest tenured king. As the years went on, however, his heart was lifted up with pride and he attempted to do what only the priests were qualified to do. The Lord struck him with leprosy. He eventually died, isolated and alone as a […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Isaiah 1-4

The book of Isaiah is a mountain of a book. It is sixty-six chapters spanning the ministry of the prophet Isaiah during the reign of four Judean kings (Isa. 1:1). Isaiah prophesied during the Northern Kingdom’s fall and desolation and the steady decline of the Southern Kingdom. What happened in Israel was destined to happen […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Song of Solomon 1-8

The Song of Solomon is a beautiful and passionate poem conveying romantic love between a young shepherd (1:7), and a young Shulammite girl (1:8). While the book of Revelation has its many interpretations, due to its complexity and use of metaphors, Song of Solomon may not be too far behind. There are many schools of […]