Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Why Did God Create?

The question has been asked, “Why did God create?” This question is connected to other questions such as: “If God has foreknowledge, then why would He create if He knew humanity would sin?” These are not easy questions to answer. Furthermore, these are not easy questions to ask if you consider yourself a Christian. If […]

Things Most Surely Believed

In his online article for Huffpost, Brandan Robertson wrote, “Run to God, Not to the Bible.” Throughout his article he insists that Christians do not need the Bible to hear God’s voice. He quotes liberal theologian Peter Enns who claims, “We need to be training our children to cultivate a relationship with God, not a […]

Theology of Scripture

I believe the Bible, which consists of both the Old Testament and New Testament, is the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God. Holy men of God were moved upon by the Holy Spirit to communicate to us God’s direct commands (2 Peter 1:19-21). Being that Scripture is the Word of God it is profitable […]

Theology of Language

Language is wonderful and mysterious. Language is a gift of God. To use your mouth and voice to express feelings, emotions, and to communicate with each other is a profound mystery. Some take for granted the power of language. The Bible is a foundational resource to study language. What is the origin of language? What […]

Merchants of Death

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (1 Corinthians 15:54–55) The Merchants of Death Christianity is […]

The Attributes of God: Divine Foreknowledge and Predestination

The Bible tells us much about God and His characteristics. One can study the Bible and see many of the attributes of God explained and defined. Scripture reveals that God is a Spirit (John 4:24); that He is sovereign (Psalm 103:19); He is unchanging (Malachi 3:6); He is self-existent (Gen. 1:1; Ps. 93:2); and He […]

What’s Wrong with Holiness?

The following was written by Bishop Billy McCool in 2010. What’s Wrong with Holiness? Holiness is not a privation it is a privilege, it is not a burden it is a blessing, it is not an obligation but an opportunity, it is not a loss but a liberty. Holiness is not hard, but a harbor. […]

The Attributes of God

AW Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” It has been said that a high view of God leads to a high and holy lifestyle. On the other hand a low view of God leads to low living. Right thinking about God leads […]

Justification in Romans and Galatians Pt. 2

In our previous study we looked at God’s righteousness, humanity’s sinfulness and our need for salvation. In this lesson we will look briefly at Paul’s cure for the curse of sin. I. The Savior: Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:12-6:14) Humanity is in need of salvation from sin, death and God’s wrath. Nothing within humanity has the […]

Justification in Romans and Galatians Pt. 1

There is nothing quite like getting a gift, especially a gift that you do not deserve. This is how the Apostle Paul describes being saved from sin and death by Jesus Christ. Sinful humanity has been given a gift, the gift of salvation and they only have to believe to receive it (Rom. 5:13-21). In […]