Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 70-73
There’s no doubt God is good to His people. He takes care of us, and provides our every need. But it’s easy to overlook and take for granted sometimes. Especially when we see unrighteous people prospering. We think they have it all despite their evil ways. Why do they prosper? How can they get away […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 66-69
The word “Selah” appears only in the book of Psalms and Habakkuk. “Selah” is found multiple times in today’s readings. But what does that word mean? Bible commentators do not all agree on the meaning of the Hebrew word. Some believe that “Selah” was used to inform musicians to change instruments, or to change the […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 58-65
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Have you had feelings and emotions that simply overpower you? I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been secretly fighting overwhelming fear over the last few weeks. The incessant negativity that surges from Twitter feeds and news networks feed fear. Like David, where can we turn for relief? David said, […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 52-57
There is no doubt that the Christian church is under attack. The Christian worldview is ridiculed daily. Recently, one news anchor said we are to trust in ourselves rather than trust in God. Another television show host claimed that Jesus wasn’t perfect. Christians are commonly called intolerant, and bigoted due to our exclusive belief in […]
Preorder My New Book!
You can preorder my new book, I AM: Studies in the I AM Declarations of Jesus Christ. Description In the Gospel of John, Jesus boldly declares that He is the Great I AM of the Old Testament. In this book we look closely at these seven declarations of Jesus Christ and how they are significant […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 46-51
David’s sin with Bathsheba, and the murder of her husband, are quite the stains on an otherwise illustrious life (2 Sam. 11:1-27). From this failure, and the prophetic confrontation that followed, we are given David’s prayer of repentance in Psalm fifty-one. David uses three words to describe his failure (Ps. 51:3-5,9,13): transgression, iniquity, and sin. […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 40-45
Stuck. You can get your vehicle stuck in the mud. You could get stuck on a hard question during a test. You could be stuck in a terrible job. There’s many ways we could get stuck. But the worse kind of stuck, is being stuck in the mire of sin. David said, “He brought me […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalms 36-39
Scripture is quite practical. As you frequent yourself with the Bible, the more you will notice the obvious imperatives that produce blessings. Psalm 37 is just one of those instances. This psalm presents David’s concern with the prosperity of evildoers. We can certainly relate to David’s quandary in our own day. Wickedness, and lawlessness is […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalm 32-35
The blessed person is a forgiven person. “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no guile” (Ps. 32:1–2). This is the second Psalm to begin with “blessed.” The first time was in Psalm 1: […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Psalm 26-31
In the Old Testament, the Temple was considered the “house” where the Spirit of the Lord dwelt (2 Chr. 7:1-3; Ezek. 43:4-5; 44:4). David said, “Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, And the place where thine honour dwelleth” (Psalm 26:8). David loved the house of God. This desire was contrasted against gathering […]