Daily Readings in the Bible Job 21-23
I’m directionally challenged. I don’t know how I ever got around without a GPS. It’s a miracle that I ever got to my intended destinations before we had Global Positioning Systems on our smart phones. Have you ever felt lost? Not the kind of lost that is corrected with a GPS or a map. I […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 17-20
Job had suffered great loss. His children and servants had been killed. His livestock had been wiped out. His body had been infected with terrible sores. Furthermore, his wife had told him to curse God and die, and three of his friends had accused him of being a rank sinner. A lesser man might throw […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 14-16
I recently read a book entitled The Secret Life of Trees. The most astonishing thing about trees is how social they are. Trees in a forest care for each other, sometimes even going so far as to nourish the stump of a felled tree for centuries after it was cut down by feeding it sugars […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 11-13
Job’s friend, Zophar, was more assertive than Eliphaz and Bildad, for they presented their arguments with a little more courtesy. Zophar, on the other hand, seems a little aggravated with Job’s counter arguments thus far. “Shouldn’t someone answer this torrent of words? Is a person proved innocent just by a lot of talking? Should I […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 8-10
Job chapter nine is Job’s response to Bildad. Bildad is one of Job’s three friends who nothing more than miserable comforters (Job 16:2). Bildad believes that Job should repent, and that his suffering is due to Job’s sins. He even believes that Job’s children’s sins brought them God’s judgment (Job 8:4). But if you read […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 5-7
Job chapter two introduces us to Job’s friends, who play an integral part of the book. “Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place; Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: for they had made an […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Job 1-4
The Book of Job is one of the most interesting books in the Bible. Job’s life and experiences have provided hope and healing for many of God’s people. Some on the other hand view Job’s life and story as only a fanciful story not to be taken as reality. However, Scripture views Job and his […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Esther 6-10
Haman approached King Xerxes and said, “There is a certain race of people scattered through all the provinces of your empire who keep themselves separate from everyone else. Their laws are different from those of any other people, and they refuse to obey the laws of the king. So it is not in the king’s […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Esther 1-5
Though the book of Esther is only ten chapters in length, it’s teeming with significance and importance. The events of the book took place during the reign of Xerxes (also called Ahasuerus), king of Persia. The timeline of these events place it between Zerubbabel rebuilding the Temple, and the arrival of Ezra. While there was […]
Daily Readings in the Bible Nehemiah 12-13
After the walls had been built and there had been some improvement with Israel’s spirituality, Nehemiah noticed something very strange: “And half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod, and they could not speak the language of Judah, but only the language of each people” (Neh. 13:24). The people of Israel had married themselves […]