Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

David and his men were in a cave in Adullum, surrounded by Philistine soldiers (2 Sam. 23:13-17; 1 Chr. 11:15-19). David became thirsty, and homesick for Bethlehem. He said aloud, “Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, that is at the gate” (1 Chr. 11:17). Three of David’s mighty men took his request seriously, risked their lives and went and obtained some of David’s hometown water (1 Chr. 11:18).

Some believe that loyalty is weakness. Society has cast dispersions at the willingness to serve a leader. These three men should serve as an example of how we should serve Jesus Christ. Let us not forget that these men hadn’t always been so mighty. Scripture says these men were once distressed, discontent, and in debt (1 Sam. 22:2). David’s investment in their lives had given them value. Jesus Christ changed our lives for the better, and the least we can do is serve Him with gladness (Ps. 100:2).

David held that cup of water in amazement. His men had risked their lives to simply get him a cup of water. The water had become too valuable to drink. David poured the water out and said, “My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? For with the jeopardy of their lives they brought it” (1 Chr. 11:19). Three mighty men jeopardized their lives so David could have his thirst quenched. David wasn’t going to drink the water, but instead poured it out as drink offering to the Lord, and chose to be like them, and continued to thirst.

What a picture of Jesus Christ we have in this narrative. Jesus was from Bethlehem. He is Living Water for the thirsty (Rev. 22:17). Yet, Jesus became thirsty just like us (Jn. 19:28). He poured out His life like water (Ps. 22:14). At the end of the apostle Paul’s life he said to Timothy, “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand” (2 Tim. 4:6 NKJV). The mighty Paul poured his life out for the gospel, because Jesus Christ had poured out His life for Paul. Let us go and do likewise.