Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Saul became jealous of David after his defeat of Goliath. Why would Saul be jealous of David after he just brought about one of the greatest victories ever seen in Israel? The women came out of all cities of Israel, singing a new song: “Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:6-7). Saul had never heard a more irritating song in his life. It wasn’t that Saul wasn’t being praised, its that David was being praised more. Jealousy is a cruel taskmaster. It will blind you of your own victories and self-worth. Jealousy will talk you out of any logical thinking. For instance, like any good political leader, Saul could have used the power of spin to make everyone believe that Goliath’s downfall was accomplished though his visionary leadership of sending a mighty warrior dressed as a mere shepherd boy. But those thoughts were drowned out by jealousy’s rage as the women of Israel continued to sing David’s praises.

Goliath wouldn’t be David’s last giant to face. David ran towards Goliath in the valley of Elah. Now he was running away from Israel’s jealous king. There was no stone that David could sling to rid himself of this giant. Likewise, for Saul there would be no song that would soothe his jealous fits.

David couldn’t control Saul’s murderous plots. David could, however, control himself. First Samuel 18 records three times that David behaved himself wisely (1 Sam. 18:5,14, 30). What do you do when someone wants to ruin your life? You behave wisely. What do you do when people are jealous of your success? You behave wisely. What do you when you are running for your life? You behave wisely. Proverbs records, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding” (Pro. 4:7). David didn’t need a stone or a sword to rid himself of Saul, he needed wisdom.

Our world would be in a lot better shape if they learned to behave wisely. The next time you want to post a smart-aleck comment on social media ask yourself, “Is this wise?” The next time someone tries to attack your character, put down your sword and pick up wisdom. When things get heated at the office and others act like fools, be sure to behave wisely. You may not be able to control others, but you can control yourself with wisdom.