Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

For forty years the people of Israel wandered the wilderness. The Lord, during that span of time, graciously provided for their every need. He provided water when they were thirsty, and manna when they were hungry. Furthermore, their shoes and clothes didn’t wear out despite the conditions of the environment, and length of time (Deut. 29:5).

There was just one problem with all of this: “Thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; Then he forsook God which made him, And lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation” (Deut. 32:15). Israel was fat with blessings! Their fatness, made possible by God, led to their downfall. They were so fat with blessings that they failed to possess the Promised Land and forsook the Lord. In other words, they were too fat for faith. In all of Israel’s well-being they forgot their God.

Many of us in the church are too fat for faith. We have become fat from the blessings of God, leaving little to no room for Him in our lives. When you’re too fat for faith it’s easy to complain and murmur. It becomes easy to criticize anything in the church, when you’re too fat for faith. If we aren’t careful we will make the blessings our god, and forsake the True God. The blessings are just that- blessings. The substance of our faith is God, not His blessings.

Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Mt. 6:33). Beloved, it’s important that we don’t reverse the order to keep ourselves from getting too fat for faith. Seek Him first, and all the other things will be added unto you.