Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Why did the Lord choose Israel? You might have asked that question a few times since we read of their departure from Egypt. Today’s reading gives us the answer to this question.

God didn’t choose Israel because they had the biggest population (Deut. 7:7). They were larger nations that had been around a lot longer too. Neither did Israel have their own land to dwell. Since Abraham they had only be sojourners in other people’s territory.

It wasn’t because of Israel’s righteousness or the uprightness of their heart that the Lord chose them (Deut. 9:4-5). Israel’s heart was as hard as the chains that bound them in Egypt. They wandered the wilderness murmuring for forty years. How many times did Moses have to intercede on their behalf? How many times did the Lord have to chasten them? Israel broke the commandments before Moses even had time to come down the mountain (Deut. 9:12). In only forty days time they had forgotten who had brought them out of Egypt, and were worshiping a golden calf (Deut. 9:13-16). So it couldn’t have been their righteous behavior that caused the Lord to choose them.

So why did God choose Israel? He chose them out of His sovereign will and steadfast love. Even though Israel was the fewest in number, God chose them to be His treasured possession. He set His love upon them regardless of their size and condition of their hearts (Deut. 7:7-8).

Then we must ask, “Why did God choose you or me?” He didn’t choose us because we were worthy. He didn’t choose us because we were better than someone else. He didn’t choose us because we deserved it. We weren’t saved by our works of righteousness (Titus 3:5). Our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isa. 64:6). If anything, none of us deserved this wonderful salvation. God loved us in spite of our failures and misgivings. He loved us in spite of our hard and stubborn hearts. He loved us when we were unlovable.

Beloved, the next time we ask why God chose Israel, remember why He chose us.