Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The word “Exodus” means “departure” or “exit.” The book of Exodus is the story of Israel being set free from their enslavement in Egypt. Not only is the book of Exodus the recounting of Israel’s departure, but it is also the story of Israel becoming God’s people.

Originally, Egypt was a haven for Jacob and his family. But after the death of Joseph, there arose a new Pharaoh that didn’t know Joseph or his family. Pharaoh only seen them as a possible threat. Israel posed a threat to Egypt because they had grown from seventy people, to an estimate of around two million people. To keep Israel from becoming allies with Egypt’s enemies, they put them in chains and made them do rigorous work. Israel was captive in Egypt for four hundred years.

Have you ever stayed somewhere longer than you intended? That’s the story of Israel in Egypt. It is also the story of humanity and sin. Sin always looks promising. But sin always keeps you longer than you intended. Sin promises pleasure and happiness. Consequently, you end up enslaved to sin, and what was once pleasurable has become your prison.

Israel cried out to God for deliverance, and He heard them and set them free. Dear reader, if you are in need of God’s delivering power, all you have to do is cry out to Him, and He will set you free. But the story doesn’t end there! The exodus from Egypt was just the beginning of Israel’s story. Your redemption from sin is the just beginning of your story too. There is much more to come!