Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea proved to be exciting moments for Israel. The wilderness seemed promising to the newly freed people. A song of victory and praise to God burst from the hearts of Moses and Israel.

Sadly the celebrating didn’t last long. Israel went from singing to murmuring in just three short days. What could possibly steal their joy so quickly? First, there wasn’t any water to be found to quench their thirst. Second, they traveled to a place called Marah only to find bitter water.

Newly converted Christians enjoy the exhilaration of fleeing sin and their old life. They soon realize, however, the wilderness of life leaves them thirsty. They don’t enjoy the things that used to give them pleasure. Old friends may reject their newfound faith. Soon their new faith doesn’t seem as exciting as before.

What comes next is the bitterness of trials and tribulations. It would be wise for churches to educate new believers to the reality that being a Christian isn’t without its tests. In reality, new and old Christians can come to the waters of real-life and taste bitterness. Life as a Christian isn’t always sunny. Jesus said, “it rains on the just and the unjust” (Mt. 5:45).

Moses cried out to God after he tasted the bitter waters of Marah. The Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the water, the waters were made sweet (Ex. 15:25). What a picture of the cross! The cross of Jesus Christ was bitter, but it brought sweet salvation to the sinner. Life after initial salvation may prove to be difficult, but look to the that old rugged cross of Calvary!

Beloved, look to Calvary when you taste the bitterness of trials. Look to Calvary, and cast the cross into your situation. Trials and tribulations may be bitter, but taste and see that the Lord is still good. The cure for murmuring and bitterness is the cross of Jesus Christ!