Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The first three chapters of Genesis are difficult to write about in a brief manner. So much unfolds in just three short chapters. The reader is introduced to God and His creative power through His spoken word. God’s authority is displayed because whatever He says happens. Light is created. The waters and the sky are separated. Land appears and is separated from the water. Vegetation begins to spring at the command of God’s word. The Sun, Moon, and stars put in their respective places. Time begins to tick away through the day and night. Animals and insects begin to populate the earth; birds fly in the air, and fish swim in the waters.

Then there is the creation of mankind. Unlike the rest of creation, God reaches down into the dust of the earth and forms man, and calls him Adam. Adam stands out from the rest of what God has created because he is made in the image of God. Adam becomes a living soul as God breathes into His nostrils. The Creator sees one flaw in His creation, it’s not good for Adam to be alone. To help Adam’s loneliness God created woman from his rib. Adam cleaves to Eve as they are united in holy union. As God’s image bearers, they are to do as He has done- they are to take dominion of creation and to multiply. Adam and Eve are also given the command not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To do so would mean certain death. They are free to eat anything else they want, except that tree.

Genesis chapter one and two are a picture of perfection. But just we step back to admire God’s handiwork, chapter three smears paint on the perfect canvas. The introduction to a deceptive serpent, a disobedient wife, a henpecked husband, and ruination of God’s creation through sin.

God’s creation is turned upside down when Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden tree. And just when the story is at it’s worst, God comes to look for His children. They are trembling naked and ashamed behind some branches. God listens to their futile excuses, and hands out the punishment for their crimes. But with the punishment comes a promise. The Seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent, and He will be the One who will undo all that sin has ruined.

Three chapters teeming with perfection, pollution, and promise. What a picture of the Gospel. A perfect God, a polluted world, and a promised Savior!