Sandra Richter in her book The Epic of Eden wrote “In its native context a covenant was an agreement enacted between two parties in which one or both make promises under an oath to perform or refrain from certain actions stipulated in advance. In other words, a covenant was much like a contract.” God initiated the covenant with Abraham. Abraham was to believe God’s promises and forsake his old life. If Abraham kept his part of the covenant, God would then make of him a great nation, and make him, and his descendants the rightful heirs of the land of Canaan.
Genesis 16 through 18 gives us more insight into the calling of Abraham, and his covenant with the Lord. We asked in yesterday’s devotion, “Why did God choose Abraham?” Genesis 18:19 sheds light on this:
“Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him” (Gen. 18:18-19)
God chose Abraham because he would command his children and his household after him in the way of the Lord. Ishmael had been born by this time, but the covenant and promise wouldn’t be with Ishmael, it would be with Isaac. Keep in mind, Isaac wasn’t even conceived yet! God seen within Abraham, what Abraham didn’t see in himself. Abraham and Sarah thought they were too old to have children (Gen. 17:15-27). But God seen that Abraham would instruct his children, and future offspring in the way of the Lord!
Too many parents want to teach their children everything but the way of the Lord. I’ve witnessed parents that would rather have their children be slaves to sin, than to be servants of Christ. Most of the time parents don’t want the conviction of having their children serve the Lord better than they do! Our children are the greatest mission field we have. It is our responsibility to instruct them in the ways of the Lord.
The puritan John Flavel wrote, “If you neglect to instruct your children in the way of holiness, the devil will not neglect to instruct them in wickedness.”