Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Abraham’s nephew, Lot, is an interesting character study. When Lot and Abraham separated he chose to pitch his tent toward Sodom (Gen. 13:12). Sodom was a wicked city filled with sin (Gen. 13:13). The sin was so grievous in Sodom that the Lord decided to destroy it (Gen. 18:20-21). Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy it if He could find ten righteous people dwelling there. Unfortunately, there weren’t ten righteous people to be found in Sodom. Two angels were sent to overthrow the city and to warn Lot.

In respect to Lot, St. Peter wrote, “For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds” (2 Pt. 2:7-8). On one hand Lot was vexed in his spirit. On the other hand Lot lingered in Sodom despite the warning of imminent destruction (Gen. 19:16). Vexed and lingered. What a paradox!

Lot was vexed and yet lingered. He was perturbed but he put off. He was tormented but he tarried. He was provoked but he procrastinated. He was harassed but he hesitated. He was worried but he wavered. He was afflicted in his soul but he lingered in Sodom. The angels had to take him by the hand and drag him out of Sodom!

Beloved, if the Holy Spirit is vexing your heart regarding sin, do not linger. If conviction is gripping your heart it is no time to delay! Run to the place of refuge! Run towards Jesus Christ and put your trust in Him. If He has sent messengers to warn you of coming judgment, do not procrastinate. Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2).

You can linger but time will not linger. Time hastens to the day of the Lord, or to the end of your days. You cannot linger while time moves quickly. You must hasten while you are vexed in your heart and soul.