Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Jacob had twelve sons altogether with Leah, Rachel, and their respective handmaids. But it was Rachel’s sons that had a special place in Jacob’s heart. Joseph was definitely Jacob’s favorite son. He even had a special coat of many colors made for Joseph (Gen. 37:3). Joseph’s brothers weren’t as fond of Joseph as Jacob was. Joseph didn’t help matters by disclosing that he had dreams suggesting that his family would one day bow down in front of him.

One day Jacob sent Joseph to go check on his older brothers while they were tending to their father’s flock. When they saw Joseph afar off, they conspired to kill him! Their hatred went beyond just putting Joseph in a headlock and giving him a noogie. Joseph’s brothers wanted to rid themselves of daddy’s favorite son. Rueben, the eldest brother, warned them to not kill Joseph. Instead, they tore his coat off, threw him in a pit, sold him to Ishmaelite traders, and dipped his coat in goat’s blood. Directly upon arriving at Jacob’s house, his sons showed him the blood-drenched coat. Jacob immediately jumped to the conclusion that Joseph had been slain an evil beast. Of course the boys weren’t going to risk telling the truth that they sold him. They let the old man believe that Joseph was dead.

The Lord was with Joseph despite his predicament. He was sold as a slave in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. Joseph had the Lord’s favor and was promoted to be an overseer in Potiphar’s house. Tragically, Potiphar’s wife desired to have an illicit affair with Joseph. The young man refused her temptations day by day.

Joseph could have looked at the dilemma of his life and succumbed to the seduction of Egypt. His family rejected him, he was a slave in a far off country, and he was experiencing some success. Except Joseph refused the enticement of relinquishing his character and integrity. Joseph would rather risk success, pleasure, and eventually freedom, than sin against God.

Dear readers, we can all learn from Joseph. The tragedies and disappointments of our lives do not give us the right to sin. All of us have the choice to live godly. It has been said, reputation and integrity take a lifetime to build, and can be lost in a moment.