Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The book of Isaiah is a mountain of a book. It is sixty-six chapters spanning the ministry of the prophet Isaiah during the reign of four Judean kings (Isa. 1:1). Isaiah prophesied during the Northern Kingdom’s fall and desolation and the steady decline of the Southern Kingdom. What happened in Israel was destined to happen in Judah if they failed to keep in covenant with Jehovah. They had rebelled; spurned God’s commands; and rejected His correction (1:2-8). Their failure was going to bring about God’s judgment.

Jehovah was willing to give them another chance. He urged them to repent and return to Him, promising to cleanse and restore His people: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isa. 1:18). God wanted Judah to come and “reason” with Him. This is illustrative of a court hearing. Judah was guilty of breaking the covenant and their sins were the color of scarlet. In other words, there was blood on their hands proving their guilt.

Though their sins were as scarlet, they would become “white as snow.” This indicates the profound nature of God’s grace and mercy. He can cleanse that which stains and make it look as if it had never happened.

Such cleansing would be accomplished through Isaiah’s prophesied Messiah. He would be the King from David’s dynasty to reign for all eternity (Isa. 6-37). He would be the Suffering Servant taking the place of sinners (Isa. 38-55). And He would vanquish all foes as the Conqueror (Isa. 56-66).

Beloved, our hope for the cleansing of our sin is found in Jesus Christ. He shed His blood to remove the stain of sin in our lives.