Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Imagine the process of creating an idol. A tree from a forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. Portion of the wood is molded and shaped into a design. Next, the newly formed idol is decorated with silver and gold, fastened to the wood so that it cannot move. Unfortunately, the idol cannot speak, for it doesn’t have a mouth. Additionally, it has to be carried, for it cannot walk under its own power.

Now, here’s the absurdity. The person who cut down the tree, formed the wood into an idol, and decorated it with their hard-earned silver and gold turns around and worships it. The god they are worshiping was created with their own hands! The worshiper claims the god they just devised and created is the Creator. They pray to it, asking for it to work miracles. But the idol cannot speak. It can’t even move. The worshiper has more power and ability than the idol.

Do you see how utterly foolish worshiping idols is? That’s exactly what Judah had done (Jer. 10:1-16). They had cut down trees, formed idols, and decorated the idols with silver and gold. Then they had the audacity to worship the idols they had created. Judah attempted to create their happiness, while refusing to worship the True God who created the trees, silver and gold.

Judah’s self-made idols were their ruin, not their remedy. Likewise, trusting in anything other than Jesus is futile. Putting your faith in things like money or governments is hollow. Those are man-made things. They are unable to do what only God can do. Governments can crumble. Money can lose its value. They can’t answer your prayers, nor can’t fulfill your deepest longings. The same goes for relationships, sex, careers, beauty, and health. All of them have been created by God, but they aren’t God. In other words, you can’t create your own happiness. Only the True God can bring true satisfaction.