Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

“In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Jud. 21:25). That’s how the writer of Judges concludes his book. Life without a king.

Israel failed to remove their enemies from their land and disobeyed God (Jud. 1-3). That’s life without a king. Israel worshiped and served idols (Jud. 2:11-13). That’s life without a king. Because of Israel’s backsliding they were oppressed by their enemies (Jud. 2:14-15). That’s life without a king. Israel depended upon men and women to liberate them (Jud. 2:16-23). That’s life without a king. Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord (Jud. 4:1). That’s life without a king. Brothers go to war with each other (Jud. 9:1-57). That’s life without a king. Men hastily make awful vows (Jud. 11:30-40). That’s life without a king. Strong men easily break life-long vows (Jud. 13-16). That’s life without a king. Weak men become their own priests (Jud. 17-18). That’s life without a king. Sordid lifestyles and degenerate behaviors become the norm (Jud. 19-20). That’s life without a king.

Life without a king in Israel was nothing more than confusion and chaos. At the same time, when we try to live our lives without a king we aren’t in any better shape.

Failure to remove sin from our lives. That’s life without a king. Worshiping the false gods of money, sex, and entertainment. That’s life without a king. Depending upon anything other than God to liberate us. That’s life without a king. Constantly being lured back into old lifestyles. That’s life without a king. Fighting one another when we should be fighting for our own deliverance. That’s life without a king. Hastily making vows to careers that cost us our families. That’s life without a king. Breaking godly vows without a second thought. That’s life without a king. Attempting to become our own priests to appease our own consciences. That’s life without a king. Sordid lifestyles and degenerate behaviors are protected by the laws of the land. That’s life without a king.

Doing that which is right in your own eyes becomes easy when you’re living life without a king. Life without a king, however, doesn’t produce calm and tranquility. Life without a king causes chaos and turmoil.

Beloved, Israel needed a king. Likewise, you and I need a King. That King is Jesus. Only through Christ’s lordship will you have peace. Without Him, like Israel in the time of the judges, there will only be utter confusion. Will you let Him reign in your life?