Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The first seven chapters of Leviticus outline the five major offerings required under the Law. The five offerings can be divided into two main types: Sweet Savor offerings and Non-Sweet Savor offerings. The Sweet Savor offerings were voluntary, and the Non-Sweet Savor offerings were mandatory.

Sweet Savor Offerings

The Burnt Offering (Lev. 1;6:8-13). This was a voluntary act of worship, and was one of the most frequently made sacrifices. It expressed devotion to the Lord. For us at New Testament believers we can think of Paul’s words, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom. 12:1).

The Grain Offering (Lev. 2; 6:14-22). The worshiper brought a sacrifice of fine flour mingled with oil. No leaven or honey could be offered with this sacrifice. This offering speaks of Christ’s sinless humanity.

The Peace Offering (Lev. 3; 7:11-34). This sacrifice was a shared meal between the offerer and the priesthood. This fellowship meal was made possible by a spotless lamb. Beloved, we have peace with God and fellowship with one another through the blood of Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:11-22).

Non-Sweet Savor Offerings

The Sin Offering (Lev. 4:1-5:13). The Sin Offering was offered for forgiveness of sin, or to be cleansed from physical impurity. Whatever animal was brought, the offerer had to identify with the sacrifice by laying hands on it.

The Trespass Offering (Lev. 5:14-6:7; 7:1-10). The Sin Offering and Trespass Offering were quite similar. The Sin Offering was for sinning against God, the Trespass Offering was for sinning against God and man. Therefore, the offerer had to restore any property to the offended party, add a twenty percent fine with it, then offer a ram to the Lord.

Much could be written about these five offerings. We should glean from our reading the high cost of sin. Knowing the high cost of sin should birth within us praise! For Jesus Christ is our offering, for He bore our sins on His body and paid the full price for us (1 Pt. 1:18-19; 2:24).