Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls only took fifty-two days to complete (Neh. 6:15). Nehemiah could have sat back and relaxed after accomplishing such an amazing task. However, that’s not what happened. “And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God” (Neh. 6:16). Despite the walls being rebuilt, there were still enemies looming. There was no time for rest. Therefore, Nehemiah began his next project – protecting the city and its inhabitants.

Nehemiah set up doors on the gates, and appointed gatekeepers (Neh. 7:1). Among the gatekeepers were Levites and musicians. He also placed his brother, Hanani, and a man named Hananiah in charge of overseeing the city’s protection. The gatekeepers and the watchmen were to keep watch at all times. Failure to keep watch would make the city susceptible to the enemy.

There will always be outside forces who attempt to infiltrate churches, youth groups, ministry teams, and families. False Christians, false teachers, and false doctrines will always be enemies of the true church. The wall wasn’t enough for Jerusalem, and it won’t be enough for the church. God has set in place watchmen on the walls for the church. The watchman was to sound the alarm when an enemy was approaching. The role of pastors and spiritual leaders is to sound the alarm at the sight of imminent danger. Preaching that warns and cautions shouldn’t be avoided, and it shouldn’t be shunned. It might just be what keeps a Christian safe, or a child from backsliding.

Brothers and sisters, we should be thankful for the gatekeepers, pastors, and preachers who have kept us safe throughout our Christian experience.