Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Numbers chapter 20 is a sobering chapter. It includes the death of Miriam and Aaron, and the failure of Moses.

Rest is a significant theme in the Old Testament. The Lord rested after His creative activity (Gen. 2:2). The Sabbath was to be a day of rest (Ex. 31:15). The Promised Land was to have rest every seventh year (Lev. 25:4). Consequently, rest was tied to the promises of God with Israel.

Rest finds it true fulfillment in the New Testament. Jesus promises rest to the weary (Mt. 11:28-30). Disobedience and unbelief kept Israel from receiving this rest. New Testament believers receive this rest due to their faith in Jesus Christ (Heb. 3:7-4:10).

What does this have to do with the death of Miriam and Aaron, and Moses’ failure? Moses wasn’t allowed to lead Israel into their promised rest. Moses represents the Law, and the Law could never bring us into God’s rest. Miriam died in the wilderness, never to enter the Promised Land. Miriam represents the Prophets (Ex. 15:20), and the prophets could never bring us into God’s rest. Aaron was buried in a mountain in the wilderness, just short of the Promised Land. Aaron represents the Priesthood, and the Priesthood could never bring us into God’s promises.

Moses, Aaron, and Miriam wouldn’t lead Israel into the Promised Land, that role was reserved for Joshua, whose name means “Jehovah is Salvation.” Beloved, the Law, Prophets, and Priesthood could never effectuate rest for our souls, that could only be accomplished by Jesus, whose name means “Jehovah is Salvation.” Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 5:17), and He is a greater High Priest than Aaron (Heb. 5:1-6; 7:24).

Put your faith in Jesus, and find rest for your souls.