Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The generation of Hebrews that escaped Egypt died in the wilderness, never to possess what they left for. They left behind a legacy of murmuring, complaining, and unbelief. If their children were to visit their graves, they’d have to go back to the wilderness to pay their respects. On their graves it would be written, “Lost in the wilderness” (Num. 26:65). The wilderness claimed an entire generation. They were a generation of unclaimed promises and possessions. All of the miracles, all of the answered prayers, all of the victories weren’t enough to convince them to claim God’s promises. What a poor example they left their children.

God had another generation in spite of the previous generation’s failings. Numbers 26 gives the census of the new generation. This would be the generation that would have faith in God. This would be the generation that would claim God’s promises.

What example are you giving the next generation? Does the next generation hear you complaining, and murmuring? Does the next generation see your unbelief, and rebellion? Don’t let the next generation visit your graves of regret. On the other hand, you can’t let a previous generation’s poor example paralyze your faith and progress. You must take responsibility for your own life. Just because your family may have given you a less than stellar example of living for God, doesn’t mean you can’t claim what God has promised.