Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The book of Proverbs was written primarily for young men. A “son” is referred to no less than forty times in the book. Compare that to “daughter” not being mentioned at all. Of course everyone can learn and apply the wisdom from Proverbs. So when we get to the last chapter, it shouldn’t be any surprise that this portion was a lesson from a mother to a son (Prov. 31:1). 

Whoever King Lemuel was, he had a wise mother. I can attest to the blessing of having a wise mother. We can read of some of the amazing advice Lemuel’s mother gave him. The standout advice is concerning finding a wife. “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies” (Prov. 31:10). It’s not that its impossible to find a virtuous woman, it’s just that its rare. A virtuous woman’s value is worth far more than the most precious diamond. For a man to find a virtuous woman is both rare and priceless. If you ever attain something that is both rare and invaluable, you won’t want to lose it. You’ll want to do everything within your power to keep and protect it. Brothers, that also means that you don’t need to fall in love with the first girl that you meet. Search and pray. Sisters, the same is just as true for you. Just because that man-child has a large bank account, doesn’t mean he’s the one. Seek and pray. 

Let me also make some additional remarks to my fellow brothers. A rare and valuable woman isn’t going to fall in love with an average Joe. Don’t be on the hunt for a Proverbs 31 woman if you aren’t willing to be a Proverbs 1-31 man. Read this book that was written for young men, and become a man that a rare and invaluable woman is looking for. You don’t need to settle for less, and she doesn’t either.