Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The book of Psalms opens with what has been called the gates of the Psalms. Before you can understand the depth of the Psalms you must meet the requirements. These two requirements are one way or the other. Two paths are laid out before use as we approach the Psalms. We will either adhere to the counsel of the Word of God or we will listen to the counsel of the ungodly.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers” (Ps. 1:1). The blessed man is one that walks not in the counsel of the wicked. To be separated from the world is to be blessed of God. The godly man is marked by what he doesn’t do. The places he doesn’t go; the books he doesn’t read; the entertainment he doesn’t watch; and the company he doesn’t keep. In other words, a blessed man is known for the things he avoids. For instance, he avoids things that are poisonous to his walk with God.

“Blessed is the man who sits not in the seat of the scornful.” The ungodly man has his counsel; the sinner has his way; the scornful has his seat. Note the progression in evil- the ungodly, the sinner, the scornful. Then note the progression of backsliding – walking, standing, and sitting. As the company gets worse sin increases its hold.

The blessed man doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked or ungodly. That means he refuses secular philosophy, and the humanistic values of the world. He refuses the worldview that places man at the center of the universe.

The righteous man doesn’t stand in the way of sinners. His personal behavior resists the lure of the crowd and neither participates in their carnal activities.

The godly man doesn’t sit in the seat of the scornful or mockers. He refuses to associate with those who mock God and His ways. He avoids relationships with those who reject God’s Word.

The godly man has a different counselor than the ungodly man, he finds different company than that of the wicked, sinful and scornful. His delight is in the Word of God.

Beloved, let us forsake the ways of the ungodly and cling to path of the righteous.