Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

There’s a difference between being a visitor and being an inhabitant. One only visits a place every once in awhile. The other lives at a particular place for a prolonged period of time. When it comes to the secret place of God, are you an inhabitant or merely a visitor? Because in order for you to claim the promises of Psalm 91, then you must be an inhabitant of God’s presence. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation.” Notice the words “dwelleth” “abide” and “habitation.” This is no stopover at God’s house on your spiritual journey. On the contrary, this is staying put and staying for as long as possible. For some so-called Christians this is difficult to do. They only visit God’s presence on holidays. Treating God like he’s some distant uncle who they only have to appease with their presence every once in awhile. 

If you will dwell in the secret place, then the Lord will be your God, refuge, fortress, shield, buckler, and habitation. Furthermore, He will deliver you from every trap, and deadly disease (Ps. 91:3); cover you with His wings (91:4); multitudes may fall all around, but you will be protected (91:7); no evil or plague shall befall you (91:10); and He will commission His angels to guard you (91:11). 

Beloved, don’t just be an infrequent visitor to God’s secret place. Instead, inhabit His presence and find refuge.