Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The Practice of Study

I want to give you a few options for studying the Bible. You don’t just have to read through the Bible from cover to cover to get something out of it. I’ve given you the tools to help you properly interpret Scripture, but I want to see there are several different ways we can glean […]

The Principles of Study

Eighteenth Century preacher, J.C. Ryle, said, “We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure.” The late pastor of Westminster Chapel, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, said, “Every time we consider or study the Bible we are, of necessity, worshipping.” Someone once said, “God feeds the birds, but He doesn’t throw the food into their nests.” […]

The Purpose of Study

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) Biblical Illiteracy “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast […]

Theology of Scripture

I believe the Bible, which consists of both the Old Testament and New Testament, is the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God. Holy men of God were moved upon by the Holy Spirit to communicate to us God’s direct commands (2 Peter 1:19-21). Being that Scripture is the Word of God it is profitable […]

The Gospel According to Abraham

Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all the nations be blessed.” So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man […]

Cut it Straight: Bring Me the Books!

Links mentioned in the episode: Books mentioned in episode: Living by the Book – Howard Hendricks How to Study the Bible- Kay Arthur Commenting and Commentaries – Charles Spurgeon Ashamed of the Gospel – John MacArthur Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! For more information go to my website  Follow […]

Strange Things

I have written to him the great things of my law, But they were counted as a strange thing (Hosea 8:12) Introduction The theme of Hosea’s prophetic book is spiritual adultery (Hos. 2:1-23). The context of this portion in Hosea is in the midst of God’s accusation against Israel. God’s people had broken their covenant […]

Endangered Languages

In those days also I saw the Jews who had married women of Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab. And half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod, and they could not speak the language of Judah, but only the language of each people. – Nehemiah 13:23-24 Introduction A few months ago a book was recommended […]

The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes was penned at the hand of Israel’s King Solomon, the son of David (1:1). In the Hebrew, he calls himself “Qoheleth” which means “preacher” or “teacher.” The name Ecclesiastes comes from the Greek (not the Hebrew) and is a form of ekklesia which is the Greek word for “church” in the NT. Therefore, on […]