Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Justification in Romans and Galatians Pt. 1

There is nothing quite like getting a gift, especially a gift that you do not deserve. This is how the Apostle Paul describes being saved from sin and death by Jesus Christ. Sinful humanity has been given a gift, the gift of salvation and they only have to believe to receive it (Rom. 5:13-21). In […]

True to the Text

Biblical interpretation should strike fear into our heart with the realization that we are handling the very Words of the Eternal God. A God whose thoughts are not like our thoughts and whose ways are not like our ways (Isa. 55:8); a God who speaks (Matt. 4:4); The God who created the Heavens and the […]

Choosing a Bible Translation

If one is looking to buy a Bible walking into a bookstore can be overwhelming. This is especially true in Christian bookstores. Shelves and aisles are full of different Bible translations, not to mention the specialty Bibles that range from students to hunters. Picking a Bible translation is comparable to finding a needle in the […]