Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Deuteronomy 27-29

The day when Israel took possession of the Promised Land quickly approached. Moses commanded that Israel be gathered at Shechem’s valley between Mount Ebal and Gerizim when that day finally came. At Mount Ebal the people were to set up large stones, coat them with plaster, and inscribe the entire Law upon them (Deut. 27:2-4). […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Numbers 23-25

The king of Moab, Balak, grew in fear as he beheld the large Hebrew population. Moab, apparently, didn’t have a large enough army to engage Israel in battle. Balak resorted to hiring a soothsayer to curse them. Balak sent dignitaries from Moab and Midian to a man named Balaam. Balaam operated in familiar spirits, and […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 26-27

Leviticus concludes with God presenting Israel with a choice. The choice was either delight or despise God’s Law. If Israel would obey God’s Law then He would bless them. If, on the other hand, Israel disobeyed God’s Law then He would curse them. There were big implications with that little word “if.” If Israel obeyed […]