Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Top Ten Books of 2020

What a year, huh? Hopefully you read several books during the shutdowns and quarantines. I was fortunate to read around 35 books during 2020. Not as many as I wanted to read, but still a pretty good amount. Here are the top ten books I read this year. 1. Tethered to the Cross: The Life […]

Book Review: Biblical Doctrine by John MacArthur & Richard Mayhue

John MacArthur is a prolific writer and editor. His continuous ability to publish theological works is quite astonishing. In 2018 he released his own systematic theology with Crossway publishers. Let me say at the outset, that I don’t agree wholeheartedly with MacArthur’s theological persuasion, and I’m more than positive he disagrees with my corner of […]