Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The Young Christian’s Progress

On Monday mornings this year at Apostolic Christian School I’ve taught through John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan’s allegory for the Christian life has served as a guide for many generations. I highly recommend everyone to read Bunyan’s most popular book. I thought it appropriate to use his allegory as a lesson for young people, […]

Interpreter’s House: The Dusty Room and the Man in the Iron Cage

Interpreter’s house turned out to be an interesting place. Christian toured seven rooms of the house, each depicting spiritual truth. I want to take a closer look at the dusty room, and the room which contained the man in the iron cage. The Dusty Room The second room of Interpreter’s house was full of dust. […]

Interpreter’s House

Once Christian arrived at the Wicket-Gate Goodwill instructed Christian to go to Interpreter’s house. At Interpreter’s house Christian would be taught about the Christian life, and the realities of discipleship. Interpreter is a two-fold representation of the Holy Spirit as a teacher, and as those who teach and instruct believers. Interpreter’s house has seven rooms […]

The Wicket Gate

Once Christian left Mt. Sinai with fresh directions from Evangelist, he finally arrived at the Wicket Gate. Above the gate was written: “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Christian began to knock and said a prayer: “May I now enter here? Will He within open to sorry me, though I have been an […]

The Slough of Despond

In our last post we considered Christian’s encounter with Pliable. Pliable was willing to go with Christian towards the Wicket Gate until they both fell into the swampy area known as the Slough of Despond. Pliable freed himself from the muddy pit and returned to the City of Destruction leaving Christian behind to fend for […]

A Journey with the Pilgrim’s Progress: Pliable

Obstinate and Pliable followed Christian as he fled the City of Destruction. Obstinate considered Christian a fool for believing in what his Book said. Rather than keep going towards the Wicket-Gate, Obstinate turned around and went home. Pliable, on the other hand, decided to stick with Christian and hear more about his pilgrimage. Pliable was […]

A Journey with the Pilgrim’s Progress: Obstinate

We left off our story with Evangelist telling Christian to run towards the light and the Wicket-Gate. Christian began to run towards the Wicket-Gate once he heard the instructions. As Christian began to run from the City of Destruction his family cried for him to return. Christian put his fingers in his ears and ran […]

A Journey With the Pilgrim’s Progress: Evangelist

Christian was in a certain field reading his Book. As he read from the Book, he felt distressed and cried out, “What shall I do to be saved?” Christian felt like running, but he couldn’t decide which way to run. It was at this moment that a man named Evangelist walked towards him, asked, “Wherefore […]