Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

The Covenant of Salt

Salt is produced from the combination of two of the most deadly chemicals known to man – sodium, an unstable metal, and chlorine, one of the deadliest gases. When these two deadly chemicals are combined they produce sodium chloride, also known as common table salt. Salt is the only known rock that humans consume. Additionally […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Chronicles 1-5

“And the house which I build is great: for great is our God above all gods” (2 Chr. 2:5). That was Solomon’s pronouncement as the building of the Temple commenced. David left Solomon the plans and the material to erect this great house. This wasn’t going to be a monument built as a memorial for […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 28-29

At the conclusion of David’s life he gave a final charge to Solomon, his heir apparent. David had amassed a wealth of material for the future Temple. David said, “Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 25-27

Chapter 24 enumerates the twenty-four classes of priests that would serve in the future Temple. Each priest and man had a place and purpose to serve within the Temple. Chapter 25 lists the members of the musical staff. These people sang, and played before the Lord. One man, however, stands out from our reading today. […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 22-24

Though David wasn’t able to build a house for the Lord, he did everything in his power to get the materials and make preparations for the future structure. David insured Solomon’s success, though David would never see it. Dave said, “Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 18-21

David was tempted to number the people of Israel (1 Chr. 21:1). Numbering the people was an act of pride and selfish ambition. To number the people indicated self reliance on a large army, instead of depending on the Lord to bring about victory in battle. Power and authority have corrupting capabilities, and pride was […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 15-17

David had successfully brought the Ark of the Covenant safely to Jerusalem, and had organized the priests to offer sacrifices and praises unto the Lord. David truly desired to build a house for the Lord, because the Ark was dwelling in an edifice made of curtains (1 Chr. 17:1). The Lord refused David the opportunity […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 12-14

The Philistines once again made an appearance, this time as David was crowned king over Israel. David prayed before he made a decision concerning a counter attack (1 Chr. 14:10). Here we see a king who is submitted to the Lord as King. Unlike Saul, David didn’t make a move until he had heard from […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 10-11

David and his men were in a cave in Adullum, surrounded by Philistine soldiers (2 Sam. 23:13-17; 1 Chr. 11:15-19). David became thirsty, and homesick for Bethlehem. He said aloud, “Oh that one would give me drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, that is at the gate” (1 Chr. 11:17). Three of […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 7-9

After the Chronicler listed the genealogies, he switched gears and began to make note of those who returned to Israel after their exile (1 Chr. 9:1-2). Judah was carried away into Babylon for their transgression of the Law. The landscape of Israel certainly changed since their exile. Both Israel and Judah had been raided and […]