Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Judges 13-15

The spiritual climate in Israel grew colder. Israel was now indifferent to Jehovah and to the idea of being bondage. They hadn’t learned the lesson of keeping themselves from idols which inevitably led to them doing evil again in the sight of the LORD. This time God allowed them to be oppressed by the hands […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Numbers 33-34

Taking possession of the Promised Land wasn’t going to be easy for Israel. They were going to have to drive out all the inhabitants of the land (Ex. 23:20-33). Not only were they to drive the inhabitants out, they would also need to destroy any semblance of the people’s religions and lifestyles. The Lord said, […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Numbers 5-6

The first four chapters of Numbers outline the layout of the camps, and the duties of the Levites. Instructions for life in the camp begins with chapter five. If the Lord was going to dwell with His people then it was important that Israel kept themselves from any defilement (Num. 5:3). Instructions included lepers being […]

The Plague, the Priest, and the Prescription

When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests (Leviticus 13:2). The book of Leviticus […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 19-21

Holiness isn’t limited to our relationship with God. Holiness includes our relationship with others. Believing that holiness is only about loving God, and not about loving our neighbors is faulty thinking. Too little is said about God’s people loving each other. Often the love of God gets all of the attention and little emphasis is […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 11-12

We’ve come to another example of separation in the Bible. Think back to what we’ve already covered in our daily readings. In creation, God separated the light from the darkness; the day from the night; the waters from the heavens; the land from the sea; and humans from animals. Next, God called Abraham and had […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 8-10

Leviticus chapter 10 is shocking to say the least. At first glance it seems as if God is unjust by killing Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron. If we are not careful, our emotions will get the best of us and we will miss an important lesson on intent. Nadab and Abihu each took […]

Interpreter’s House: The Dusty Room and the Man in the Iron Cage

Interpreter’s house turned out to be an interesting place. Christian toured seven rooms of the house, each depicting spiritual truth. I want to take a closer look at the dusty room, and the room which contained the man in the iron cage. The Dusty Room The second room of Interpreter’s house was full of dust. […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 1-4

You’ve made it to Leviticus. You may feel like giving up in the coming days. That’s due to the fact that Leviticus is made up of 27 head-scratching chapters that may not seem important to the rest of the Bible, or to your present day life. I want to encourage you to read through Leviticus […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 28-29

Today’s reading in Exodus 28 and 29 shouldn’t be overlooked or skimmed. These two chapters reveal God’s attention to detail. Everything in the Tabernacle was teeming with significance. This is also true concerning the Priesthood and their consecration. The service of the Tabernacle was no ordinary work. Therefore, the men who served in the Tabernacle […]