Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 34-36

Initially when Jacob came to Bethel he had just fled from Esau (Gen. 28). It was late in the evening when he arrived at that sacred place. He laid his head on a pile of stones and dreamed of a ladder set on the earth reaching to heaven. Angels were ascending and descending on that […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 27-29

Have you ever wondered why Scripture says to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7)? The answer is that our senses can be deceived. In Genesis 27 we witness the deception of the senses. Isaac is 137 years old, and he feels as if he is about to die (Gen. 27:1). Ishmael, […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 25-26

Isaac the son of Abraham is overshadowed in Scripture. Even though he is considered a Patriarch, he is often overlooked due to the large shadow cast by Abraham and Jacob. Of the three Patriarchs Isaac lived the longest, for he died at the age of 180 years. Abraham died at 175, and Jacob died at […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 22-24

Abraham never allowed his calloused feet, or dusty sandals to be rooted in any certain place. Abraham’s longest stay would be in a tomb in the desert. Abraham moved constantly to the place God wanted him to go. From Ur of Chaldees to Haran to Canaan to Egypt to Gerar to Mamre to Beer-Sheba. He […]