Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 25-27

Chapter 24 enumerates the twenty-four classes of priests that would serve in the future Temple. Each priest and man had a place and purpose to serve within the Temple. Chapter 25 lists the members of the musical staff. These people sang, and played before the Lord. One man, however, stands out from our reading today. […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Judges 13-15

The spiritual climate in Israel grew colder. Israel was now indifferent to Jehovah and to the idea of being bondage. They hadn’t learned the lesson of keeping themselves from idols which inevitably led to them doing evil again in the sight of the LORD. This time God allowed them to be oppressed by the hands […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 16-18

Sandra Richter in her book The Epic of Eden wrote “In its native context a covenant was an agreement enacted between two parties in which one or both make promises under an oath to perform or refrain from certain actions stipulated in advance. In other words, a covenant was much like a contract.” God initiated […]