Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 7-10

The showdown between Moses and Pharaoh was nothing short of amazing. Pharaoh’s refusal to let Israel go had led to four plagues. By this point it seemed like Pharaoh had enough. Pharaoh told Moses, “Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land” (Ex. 8:25) Pharaoh wanted a compromise, but sacrificing in Egypt wasn’t in […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 41-42

Our memory can be our worst enemy. Old wounds and hurts are not easily forgotten. Failures and regrets haunt us like ghosts. Perhaps you can relate to Joseph in some way. He had suffered rejection, been lied about, and forgotten in prison. Those events can’t be erased from your memory like old data on a […]