Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Top Ten Books of 2020

What a year, huh? Hopefully you read several books during the shutdowns and quarantines. I was fortunate to read around 35 books during 2020. Not as many as I wanted to read, but still a pretty good amount. Here are the top ten books I read this year. 1. Tethered to the Cross: The Life […]

Recommended Reading for Young Ministers

I often get asked about what books I recommend. Most of the time it’s young ministers looking to begin reading. I’ve shared the same list for several years, adding and subtracting over time. I want to share that reading list with you, dear readers. I have said it before, but it bears repeating: A book […]

Top Five Books of 2019

As the year dwindles down its time I reflect on the top five books that I read for 2019. I read just over thirty books this year. Well short of my intended goal. While working on a teaching series I spent a lot of time in large books of systematic theology. I read a lot […]

The Practice of Study

I want to give you a few options for studying the Bible. You don’t just have to read through the Bible from cover to cover to get something out of it. I’ve given you the tools to help you properly interpret Scripture, but I want to see there are several different ways we can glean […]

The Principles of Study

Eighteenth Century preacher, J.C. Ryle, said, “We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure.” The late pastor of Westminster Chapel, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, said, “Every time we consider or study the Bible we are, of necessity, worshipping.” Someone once said, “God feeds the birds, but He doesn’t throw the food into their nests.” […]

The Purpose of Study

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) Biblical Illiteracy “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast […]

Top Ten Books of 2018

I’m not exactly sure where 2018 has gone. The year ended faster than a Kardashian relationship. I set out to read fifty books in 2018 and reached my goal. Many of the books that I read weren’t written in 2018, it’s just that I read them this year. There were several standouts and a few […]

Cut it Straight: Bring Me the Books!

Links mentioned in the episode: Books mentioned in episode: Living by the Book – Howard Hendricks How to Study the Bible- Kay Arthur Commenting and Commentaries – Charles Spurgeon Ashamed of the Gospel – John MacArthur Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! For more information go to my website  Follow […]

Five Tips to Engage with Scripture

Venturing to read and study Scripture can be intimidating for some Christians. Each may have their own stumbling blocks as to why they aren’t able to consistently engage with the Bible. However, God desires for each Christian to spend time with His Word. It is through the truth of God’s Word that we are sanctified […]

Cut it Straight Podcast: The Discipline of Resolve

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! For more information go to my website  Check out the Bible Exposition Podcast and listen to our series God’s Plan for Redemption! Follow me on Twitter: @nswhitley Like and share my Facebook page: Download my eBook The Lost Art of Spiritual Disciplines on Amazon Jonathan Edwards’ […]