Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

What Remains

There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Deuteronomy 11-13

The Lord had given specific instructions concerning Israel’s worship. For instance, the Tabernacle was the ordained place of worship (Deut. 12:5;18). Upon entering the Promised Land, Israel wasn’t to forsake God’s instructions and adopt the Canaanite’s way of worship. Therefore, the Lord told them to tear down the Canaanite’s altars, pillars, and idols (Deut. 12:3). […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Numbers 3-4

The first two chapters of Numbers give a census of all the capable men of war in each of the twelve tribes of Israel. The census did not include women, children, or the elderly. Some scholars estimate there were at least two million Hebrews in the wilderness. With so many people, you’d think it would […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 16-18

I witnessed to a man several years ago, and after several meetings he said, “I’d like to come to church, but there’s just so much talk about blood.” My attempts to explain Scripture’s emphasis on blood seemed to fall on deaf ears. Leviticus 17:11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 39-40

The Tabernacle included seven items: the Brazen Altar; the Brazen Laver; the Table of Shewbread; the Candle-Stand; the Altar of Incense; The Ark of the Covenant; and the Mercy Seat. The High Priest wore seven articles to minister within the Tabernacle: undergarments (Ex. 28:42-43); a white tunic (Ex. 28:39; 39:27); a blue robe over that, […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 25-27

God delivered to Moses a blueprint concerning His dwelling among His people. Every detail of the Tabernacle was given attention and was baptized with significance. This transportable structure would be stationary at particular points in the wilderness. The Tabernacle would dwell at the centermost part of the camp with each tribe of Israel strategically situated […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 22-24

Have you ever been invited somewhere of importance, or to meet someone of great stature? Meeting a celebrity or a person of power can be intimidating. If you are anything like me, you get nervous or anxious. I usually can’t speak clearly. I don’t know what it is, but being near someone of great distinction […]

The Tabernacle of God

It had been an interesting few days for the Israelites. Jehovah had just liberated them from Egypt’s fetters as His might and power were on display in the plagues and parting of the Red Sea. They traveled to Mount Sinai where Moses, who had led them out of Egypt, would meet with God face to […]