Seven Deadly Sins of Ministry: Sloth
Episode 33: Seven: The Seven Deadly Sins of Ministry- Sloth 1. The Sluggard Loves Sleep: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:10–11). 2. The Sluggard Makes Excuses: “The sluggard says, ‘There […]
Cut it Straight Podcast: Excellence in Ministry
Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! For more information go to my website Check out the Bible Exposition Podcast and listen to the first episode of our series God’s Plan for Redemption! Follow me on Twitter: @nswhitley Like and share my Facebook page: Download my eBook The Lost Art of Spiritual Disciplines […]
The Sluggard
The man who will not work is not wise. Laziness is a plague that ruins lives, and societies. The book of Proverbs uses the word “sluggard” for the man who will not work or give any effort. The antithesis of the diligent man is the sluggard. The Hebrew word for “sluggard” is defined as a […]
The Diligent Man
The wise man is a working man. Young men need to be taught the value of hard work while they are young, so they can be successful when they are older. At a young age I was taught the value of a work ethic. By the time I was fourteen or fifteen I was working […]