Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 25-27

Chapter 24 enumerates the twenty-four classes of priests that would serve in the future Temple. Each priest and man had a place and purpose to serve within the Temple. Chapter 25 lists the members of the musical staff. These people sang, and played before the Lord. One man, however, stands out from our reading today. […]

Why Did God Create?

The question has been asked, “Why did God create?” This question is connected to other questions such as: “If God has foreknowledge, then why would He create if He knew humanity would sin?” These are not easy questions to answer. Furthermore, these are not easy questions to ask if you consider yourself a Christian. If […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 7-9

After the Chronicler listed the genealogies, he switched gears and began to make note of those who returned to Israel after their exile (1 Chr. 9:1-2). Judah was carried away into Babylon for their transgression of the Law. The landscape of Israel certainly changed since their exile. Both Israel and Judah had been raided and […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 22-24

There may not be another character in the Bible quite as intriguing as David. I would dare say that in all of Scripture there wasn’t anyone as gifted as David. Many who know anything about David would automatically mention his victory over Goliath or his sin with Bathsheba. However, there is much more to the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Joshua 23-24

Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel at Shechem for one final address. He began by recounting God’s redemptive acts in Israel’s short history. Joshua wanted to make sure the people understood their history, their present, and their future. Had God not revealed Himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; worked mightily through Moses to bring […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Deuteronomy 23-26

The children of Israel were a privileged people. They were the only nation that could claim to be the people of God. God made provision for Gentiles to become Hebrews, if they were willing to submit to circumcision (Ex. 12:48). There was, however, a distinction between living as a Hebrew and worshiping as a Hebrew. […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Deuteronomy 11-13

The Lord had given specific instructions concerning Israel’s worship. For instance, the Tabernacle was the ordained place of worship (Deut. 12:5;18). Upon entering the Promised Land, Israel wasn’t to forsake God’s instructions and adopt the Canaanite’s way of worship. Therefore, the Lord told them to tear down the Canaanite’s altars, pillars, and idols (Deut. 12:3). […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Numbers 28-30

Now that the previous generation had died, it was time to start instructing the new generation. The Lord, through Moses, began to teach the new generation concerning the daily, monthly, and yearly offerings (Num. 28-29). The Hebrew calendar centered around the worship of Jehovah. A new generation needed a new commitment, and it was going […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 7-10

The showdown between Moses and Pharaoh was nothing short of amazing. Pharaoh’s refusal to let Israel go had led to four plagues. By this point it seemed like Pharaoh had enough. Pharaoh told Moses, “Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land” (Ex. 8:25) Pharaoh wanted a compromise, but sacrificing in Egypt wasn’t in […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 22-24

Abraham never allowed his calloused feet, or dusty sandals to be rooted in any certain place. Abraham’s longest stay would be in a tomb in the desert. Abraham moved constantly to the place God wanted him to go. From Ur of Chaldees to Haran to Canaan to Egypt to Gerar to Mamre to Beer-Sheba. He […]