Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Venturing to read and study Scripture can be intimidating for some Christians. Each may have their own stumbling blocks as to why they aren’t able to consistently engage with the Bible. However, God desires for each Christian to spend time with His Word. It is through the truth of God’s Word that we are sanctified (John 17:17). Like any obstacle to reaching your intended goals you have to start somewhere. Below I have given five tips to engage with Scripture. Certainly, much more could be added to this list. It is my hope that this will at least inspire Christians to begin to engage with Scripture.

1. Prepare Your Heart For Scripture

David prayed, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18). Before reading and studying Scripture you should take time to pray this prayer. If you struggle understanding Scripture, or lack the initiative and desire to read the Bible then this prayer is a great place to start. Preparing the soil of our hearts ready to receive the seed of God’s Word helps produce a harvest of fruitful understanding and application (Matthew 13:1-9,18-23).

2. Make Time For Scripture

Successful Bible study comes from consistent reading and studying. You cannot be sporadic in Bible study to learn and grow. Creating a habit of reading and studying your Bible will produce spiritual growth. You aren’t going to learn all there is to know about the Bible in one sitting, one week, or even one year. It is line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little (Isaiah 28:13).

You should schedule your Bible reading and prayer time. Some will do these two disciplines together. The point is to do it consistently. Jesus didn’t heal and minister twenty-four hours a day every day, there were times when He would get alone with the Father (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, 22:39-44). The man Christ Jesus wasn’t so busy that He didn’t make time to be alone with God.

The best time is when you are at your best. Personally, for me, that’s in the early morning. I get much more done in the morning than any other time. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness” can be applicable here. If we put God first in our day then He will be first the rest of the day. Others are at their best at night. However, just don’t try to serve God with what’s left of your day. As Christians we are to give Christ our first fruits, not the left overs.

3. Meditate On Scripture

Meditation has been given a bad reputation in Western culture. We connect meditation with yoga, humanism and the worship of creation. But this is not what the Bible speaks of when it mentions meditation. Popular meditation nowadays is thought of as a way to empty our minds and go to an imaginary place. Rather, Biblical meditation is a filling up of our minds and hearts with godliness. Our focus is to meditate on the law of God, His Word (Ps.1:2).

Biblical meditation is where we fix our heart and mind on Jesus (Duet 6:5). Take what you have just read in your devotions, and then think on that verse, or passage. Read that passage over and over again. Write it down, take it with you and try to memorize it. Before concluding your time of devotion, meditate on that scripture then seek to apply it.

4. Topically Study Scripture

Another way to engage with Scripture is to choose a particular topic you may feel led to study. For instance, you could study such topics as faith, repentance, or baptism. These are very important subjects worthy of study. Also, you could begin a study on all the prayers of the New Testament. Another interesting study are repeated phrases throughout the Old or New Testaments. You could study Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John. Another phrase used several times in Paul’s writings is “in Christ” or “in Jesus.” Taking the time to systematically study Scripture is very beneficial for your spiritual growth.

5. Focusing on Particular Books of Scripture

Attempting to read the entire Bible may seem daunting. However, such an intimidating task shouldn’t deter your enthusiasm for engaging with the Bible. To keep yourself in engaged with Scripture you can read and study particular portions of Scripture. Begin with reading the four Gospels, or the New Testament Epistles. The book of Psalms is made up of one hundred and fifty chapters. Reading five chapters of Psalms each day for a month would take you through the entire book. If you coupled this with reading one chapter of Proverbs each day you will have read this fascinating book as well. This is a discipline I currently use each month and it has paid many spiritual dividends.

Finally, you could listen to the Bible on audio. I listen to Scripture in the mornings while I’m getting ready for my day, and when I’m in my vehicle. You shouldn’t feel condemned listening to Scripture, because keep in mind faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). There are a plethora of Bible apps on mobile devices to keep you organized, disciplined and connected to Scripture. I personally use YouVersion for listening to Scripture and keeping track of my reading.

Whether you are just beginning your journey in studying the Word of God, or you’re a seasoned student of Scripture, these are few tips to engage with Scripture.