Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Commentary Review: The Bible Exposition New Testament Commentary by Warren Wiersbe

Warren Wiersbe is one of the most popular Christian writers and Bible commentators. His “BE” series of short Bible commentaries on each book of the Bible has been very successful. Preachers and laymen have found this series to be of great value. David C. Cook Publishers (which purchased Victor Books who originally published the BE […]

The Gospel According to David

Much has been written about the life of King David. He was an extraordinary man. His rise from shepherding his father’s flock in the pasturelands to defeating a giant foe to give Israel victory. From running for his life from an jealous king to ruling over the nation of Israel. King David’s life is worthy […]

The Tabernacle of God

It had been an interesting few days for the Israelites. Jehovah had just liberated them from Egypt’s fetters as His might and power were on display in the plagues and parting of the Red Sea. They traveled to Mount Sinai where Moses, who had led them out of Egypt, would meet with God face to […]

The Journey Toward Forgiveness

It is the twelfth year of Solomon’s reign and the newly minted Temple had been active for close to a year now. King David provided the material and blueprints for the beautiful edifice that will be inhabited by God’s Spirit. However it was David’s son Solomon who labored to have the most amazing house built […]

Two Gates and Two Paths

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few (Matthew 7:13–14). Towards the end of His […]

Cut it Straight Podcast: Preaching Lab (Session Three)

In this episode we look at the use of illustrations, finalizing our notes, and application of the sermon. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast! For more information go to my website Follow me on Twitter: @nswhitley Like and share my Facebook page: Download my eBook The Lost Art of Spiritual Disciplines on […]