Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 18-21

David was tempted to number the people of Israel (1 Chr. 21:1). Numbering the people was an act of pride and selfish ambition. To number the people indicated self reliance on a large army, instead of depending on the Lord to bring about victory in battle. Power and authority have corrupting capabilities, and pride was […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 16-18

I witnessed to a man several years ago, and after several meetings he said, “I’d like to come to church, but there’s just so much talk about blood.” My attempts to explain Scripture’s emphasis on blood seemed to fall on deaf ears. Leviticus 17:11 says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 5-7

The first seven chapters of Leviticus outline the five major offerings required under the Law. The five offerings can be divided into two main types: Sweet Savor offerings and Non-Sweet Savor offerings. The Sweet Savor offerings were voluntary, and the Non-Sweet Savor offerings were mandatory. Sweet Savor Offerings The Burnt Offering (Lev. 1;6:8-13). This was […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Leviticus 1-4

You’ve made it to Leviticus. You may feel like giving up in the coming days. That’s due to the fact that Leviticus is made up of 27 head-scratching chapters that may not seem important to the rest of the Bible, or to your present day life. I want to encourage you to read through Leviticus […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Exodus 7-10

The showdown between Moses and Pharaoh was nothing short of amazing. Pharaoh’s refusal to let Israel go had led to four plagues. By this point it seemed like Pharaoh had enough. Pharaoh told Moses, “Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land” (Ex. 8:25) Pharaoh wanted a compromise, but sacrificing in Egypt wasn’t in […]

Daily Readings in the Bible Genesis 22-24

Abraham never allowed his calloused feet, or dusty sandals to be rooted in any certain place. Abraham’s longest stay would be in a tomb in the desert. Abraham moved constantly to the place God wanted him to go. From Ur of Chaldees to Haran to Canaan to Egypt to Gerar to Mamre to Beer-Sheba. He […]

The Journey Toward Forgiveness

It is the twelfth year of Solomon’s reign and the newly minted Temple had been active for close to a year now. King David provided the material and blueprints for the beautiful edifice that will be inhabited by God’s Spirit. However it was David’s son Solomon who labored to have the most amazing house built […]