Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Righting the Wrongs: The Undoing of the Dysfunctional Family

Ruth 3-4 The Bible is a story, and a true one at that. It’s made up of plot lines and characters. It’s stories take place in scenes of gardens, cities, battlefields, temples, and kingdoms. Myriads of Bible chapters of genealogies are overlooked or skimmed over because they look like nothing more than movie credits after […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 6-7

The building of the Temple was Solomon’s first major task as Israel’s king. Nothing compared with the splendor and beauty of the Temple. Towards the completion of the Temple, Solomon had two pillars for the porch of the Temple made. These two pillars made of brass were 27 feet high, and 18 to 20 feet […]