Pastor, Author, Podcaster, Teacher

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Chronicles 1-3

Our daily Bible reading now takes us to the Chronicles. Readers might be led to believe that Chronicles is just a retelling of Samuel and Kings. Though there are some similarities, there remains quite a bit of difference. Especially when it comes to the chronicler’s intent for writing the books. Even the inclusion of detailed […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Kings 1-2

Before David’s death, he proclaimed that Solomon would be Israel’s next king. Of course, that didn’t come about without some family turmoil (1 Kings 1). David wanted to insure Israel’s future with Solomon at the helm. The security of the kingdom was bound up in Solomon’s obedience to the Law of Moses (1 Kings 2:1-4). […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 22-24

There may not be another character in the Bible quite as intriguing as David. I would dare say that in all of Scripture there wasn’t anyone as gifted as David. Many who know anything about David would automatically mention his victory over Goliath or his sin with Bathsheba. However, there is much more to the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 19-21

Excuses are like armpits, everybody’s got them and they usually stink. Bishop Billy McCool has said, “Those who want to work for the Lord will find a way. Those who don’t will find an excuse.” Excuses are what we find in 2 Samuel 19:31-40. We read of a man by the name of Barzillai. We […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 16-18

Absalom was the third son born to King David. He was of royal descent on both sides of his family. His mother, Maacah, was the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur. Not only was he privileged royalty, he was also blessed with good looks: “But in all Israel there was none to be so much […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 13-15

Friends are found throughout the Bible. Job had friends, but they were miserable companions. Abraham was called God’s friend. Jonathan and David were the best of friends (1 Sam 18:1). The Bible makes many references to friends. How to make them, how to keep them and even how to offend them (Pro. 17:17; 18:24; 27:9,14,19). […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 8-12

David had been installed and anointed king of Israel, and insisted on showing kindness to someone in Saul’s family. Saul had rebelled against God and eventually was killed in battle along with some of his sons, which included David’s closest friend, Jonathan. David made a covenant with Jonathan to take care of his family once […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 4-7

One of the first things David wanted to do when he became Israel’s king was to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. For twenty years the Ark was in the house of Abinadab under the care of his son Eleazar. The Ark had been hijacked by the Philistines during a battle with Israel […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 2 Samuel 1-3

The Amalakites were a wicked and idolatrous people. They were a fierce race of nomads who inhabited the desert south of the Judean area towards Egypt. They were a cruel people who lived off raiding, robbing and murdering other tribes. They made life miserable for people who lived near them. When Israel had left the […]

Daily Readings in the Bible 1 Samuel 28-31

Saul’s reign as Israel’s king began with so much potential. He was head and shoulders above all the people, yet displayed humility. It wasn’t long before his reign began to go off the rails. He could have been the measuring stick by which all kings would have been measured. Instead he became a skeleton in […]